Server History
Last 30 days
Server Time streamed
Prodigy RP (GTA) 12hrs 36mins
SmileRP (GTA) 3hrs 49mins
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
Echo RP (GTA) 4 Jun 2022 19 May 2023 795hrs 41mins
Production RP (GTA) 20 Jul 2023 24 Jul 2024 22hrs 52mins
Prodigy RP (GTA) 26 Aug 2024 29 Aug 2024 12hrs 36mins
SmileRP (GTA) 20 Sep 2024 21 Sep 2024 3hrs 49mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
SmileRP (GTA)
20 Sep Uncle Arthur | Hangin with the Lost Boys | SmileRP | FACGU? |❗️cubic❗️sr❗️tr❗️dono❗️discord❗️insta❗️yt❗️blmf
Prodigy RP (GTA)
29 Aug Uncle Arthur | ProdigyRP | Trying to Rank Up B4 Work | Only time I can get in Prodigy |❗️sr❗️tr❗️dono❗️discord❗️insta❗️yt❗️blmf
27 Aug (18+) Morning Coffee with Uncle Arthur | ProdigyRP | Only time I can get in | Gift me Prio and I'll do a jig |❗️dono❗️discord❗️insta❗️yt
27 Aug (18+) Morning Coffee with Uncle Arthur | ProdigyRP | Only time I can get in | Gift me Prio and I'll dance |❗️dono❗️discord❗️insta❗️yt
26 Aug (18+) Uncle Arthur | ProdigyRP | Looking to Farm |❗️dono❗️discord❗️insta❗️yt
Production RP (GTA)
23 Jul (18+) | 🤟We are BACK!🤟 | ☝️First Stream from New PC💻 | 👴🏻Uncle Arthuritis👨‍🌾 | ProductionRP | ❗️sr❗️tr❗️dono❗️discord❗️insta
3 Nov 2023 (18+) 👴🏻Uncle Arthur👨‍🌾 | 🤬Mad Cabbie🚕 | 🌎ProductionRP🌎 | 🚫 No (Fill the Blank) November 📅 | | ❗️sr ❗️ tr❗️discord ❗️dono ❗️blmf
1 Nov 2023 (18+) 👴🏻Uncle Arthur👨‍🌾 | 🤬Mad Cabbie🚕 | 🌎ProductionRP🌎 | 🚫 No (Fill the Blank) November 📅 | | ❗️sr ❗️ tr❗️discord ❗️dono ❗️blmf
1 Nov 2023 (18+) Uncle Arthur | Mad Cabbie | ProductionRP | 🚫 No (Fill the Blank) November 📅 | | ❗️sr ❗️ tr❗️discord ❗️dono ❗️blmf
31 Oct 2023 (18+) 👨‍🌾 Uncle Arthur 👨‍🌾 |🤬 The Mad Cabbie 🚕 | ProductionRP | 🍖 Beefing the Stream 🖥 | ❗️sr ❗️discord ❗️commands ❗️dono ❗️blmf
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